The Importance of Teaching Children About Climate Change

Chatty Garrette

As the adage goes, children are like sponges. They absorb what they see around them and what kids learn becomes a part of who they will be. It is essential to start them young if humankind relies on a new generation of responsible individuals.


Meanwhile, explains that climate change is not reversible overnight or even in a few decades. This problem resulted from centuries of artificial activities. In the same sense, it might take just as long to recover, if at all. Still, every little help counts, even those from your little ones.

For parents and educators everywhere, here are a few reasons why you should start teaching kids about climate change:

1. Guide Them Towards Environmental Consciousness

One of the most significant potential impacts of teaching climate change to children is influencing the kinds of adults they will be. Integrating this subject into the educational curriculum allows children to learn from their environment in a different light.

They will grow with consciousness about how everything they do can affect the environment around them.


Teaching children about climate change doesn’t end with an academic approach. It usually includes practical topics like collective responsibility and environmental stewardship. These concepts, when relayed properly, affect their lifestyle as adults. Proper education reflects on their choices once they grow up. Whether they use everyday objects sourced from responsible sources and means or contribute to the growing plastic waste in the oceans depends on their upbringing. From actively participating in Earth day activities to making conscious lifestyle choices, it all begins with the habits they form growing up.


Children are usually eager to find applications for the things they learn. Being at school also gives them the chance to experiment and test out the concepts. For this purpose, teaching them environmental concepts must be delivered to integrate with other aspects of their education.

2. Encourage Career Choices

A good part of humanity’s progress so far is because of the experts lending their time and resources to find ways to help mitigate the mounting environmental crisis. In the same way that exposing kids to coding and programming encourages them into a career in the science and technology sectors, teaching kids about climate change could push them down an environmental career path. There are a lot of possible jobs that have something to do with taking care of the environment. From studying plant and animal life to monitoring marine weather, there are different ways to help mitigate the effects of global warming.


There has been a workforce crisis among environment-related jobs. This situation means that there are a lot of roles to fill in and opportunities to explore. By raising children aware and concerned about the natural world, humankind also increases the odds of having professionals whose dedication and focus point toward reversing climate change.

3. Influence Civic Engagement

Today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders, and steering them into more responsible paths and decisions makes for a compelling case on why climate change and related environmental concepts have to be taught early. Including these topics into the school curriculum and at home make children more aware of them and everything around them. Civic engagement, a concept usually taught in higher education, is possible to impart in a child-friendly setting. There are ways for children to see if the community they’re a part of contributes to the fight against climate change.


More than the factors that contribute to global warming, it is also essential for children to gradually understand how different levels of society respond to the challenges posed by the changing environment. By having a clear context about these things, children can start looking for unique opportunities with which they can contribute as a member of society.

4. Climate Change is a Complex Subject

Almost everyone knows that climate change refers to the continuous increase in average Earth temperatures that has been happening for at least a century now. However, to better reverse this trend, it is even more important to understand it deeply. More than the cycle of trash finding its way into landfills and oceans, it is also crucial to recognize its effects on health and community and the societal repercussions of the phenomenon.


This reason is why teaching the subject from an early age gives children more time to gain a holistic understanding. If properly integrated into the existing educational curriculum, children can learn more profound and complex ideas associated with climate change. By gradually introducing them into what is now a separate field of study, kids can better grasp this problem’s actual scale and magnitude.

Final Word

As climate change affects everyone, it is only fair to give everyone an opportunity to participate in reversing the problem. By teaching children about it, as well as the systematic challenges that come with it, we are helping in the development of leaders and professionals who can go further than we’ve ever been.

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