As important as forest restoration is the connection of forest remnants through the formation of ecological corridors. The exact installation of corridors can provide communication between previously isolated fragments that could disappear in the medium- and long-term. According to the ecology of landscapes, ecological corridors are fundamental for the gain of functionality of forest fragments.
The recovery, management and protection of forest fragments is vital to the survival of species and their interrelationships. Forest restoration cannot be neglected as part of the climate change solution, especially in areas where biodiversity and deforestation collide.
This tree planting protocol is part of the Saving Nature Knowledge Hub, which we created to amplify impact by sharing methods and best practices
Tree planting is carried out in the rainy months, which vary by location. Basically, our project employ four approaches to restoration, according to the regeneration stages of the project. It is worth mentioning that in riparian forests, chemical products should not be used in reforestation. Other planting methodologies which replace chemical inputs with alternatives, such as mowing and mechanized or manual weeding should be used.
For forest restoration, all regenerating native trees species located in the selected area areĀ protectedĀ and fertilized.Ā Complementing natural regeneration, seedlings of native species are planted, in spacing of 3 x 2 meters apart. Our partners plant an average of 1,667 native seedlings per hectare, totaling about 200 thousand seedlings per 100 hectares, accounting for a replacement rate of up to 20%.Ā Ā
Conducting natural regeneration: identification, crowning and fertilization of regenerating individuals of native species present in the area. This operation allows planting operations and the use of new seedlings needed in the restoration process are considerably reduced.
Density planting: full chemical application, manual crowning of cribs, opening cradles, fertilizing and planting seedlings of native species in void remnants with little presence of regenerants, in consecutive lines filling (seedlings of pioneer and secondary growth species with fast and great shading capacity) and diversity (seedlings of climax species, as well as pioneer and secondary species with low shading), with spacing between lines of 2 m and between seedlings in the same 3 m line; cleaning of the remaining areas (chemical clearing) to reduce competition of grasses.
Enrichment Planting: planting of secondary and climax native species to increase diversity, with the same operations as planting density (except for total chemical application) at 6 m spacing among the seedlings. The planting of the seedlings will take place by intercalating lines of āfilling speciesā with āLines of diversityā.
Filling species are those that have physiological aptitude to grow in full sun and, at the same time, rapid growth in height and canopy opening. As species of diversity, this includes species with the lowest growth rates and / or poor coverage of canopy, but which are fundamental to guarantee the perpetuation of the planted area, since it is the species in that group that will gradually replace those in the group of filling when they enter senescence, occupying the restored area and ensuring its sustainable management.
Planting: Planting is done in the cribs, distributed according to the marking made during the crowning operation. The seedling is placed in the center of the cradle, keeping the lap just below the soil and slightly compacting the filler soil. The distribution seedlings in the field will obey the recommendations of the responsible technical, interspersing lines with types of filling and diversity. Only naturally occurring species are used in the remnant forests in the city of Rio de Janeiro. For planning the number of seedlings by species, two groups are considered, with 50% of the seedlings per hectare belonging to each group (filling and diversity).
Mowing: The purpose of the mowing is to eliminate the grasses present in the area, reducing thus the competition for light, water and nutrients with the seedlings planted and with regenerating individuals. It is done in a mechanized, with the use of coastal brush cutters. It can also employ chemical clearing in areas with a high presence of grasses competitors, as long as they are far from water courses;
Control of leaf-cutting ants: This operation consists of distributing ant killers by the area to be restored. The product to be used will follow the manufacturer’s indication and its application isĀ conditioned to the current rules, under the supervision of the technical responsible for the project;
Manual crowning: This crowning consists of manual removal (weeding with hoe) of any and all vegetation within a radius of 50 cm to the around regenerating individuals and places marked for planting seedlings, thus avoiding competition for water, light and nutrients, favoring the development of plants. Whenever possible and applicable, the crowning is carried out in bands, following the slope level;
Opening of cradles: The cradles for planting seedlings ware opened obeying the spacing of 3 m. x 2 m, still respecting a quincount distribution (see below). Cribs must be of minimum size 30 cm. x 30 cm. x 30 cm. Additionally, a small stool at the top of the slope, above the crib, which will have the function to help retain rainwater;
Quincontium planting alternates the adoption of seedlings between each row, preventing them from being planted in linear quadrants. This technique contributes to a greater control of the runoff of the water. At practice, if the first cradle of a line is made right at the beginning of the same, the first cradle of the line next meter must be made one meter after the start of the line. (evaluation of biodiversity, carbon monitoring, project management and reporting).
Fertilization: This operation consists of mixing the fertilizers with the soil that is used to fill the cradle during planting.
Chemical fertilizers (NPK, in formulation 6-30-6, 100 g per cot; superphosphate, 300 g per cradle) and organic (Fertilurb, organic compound produced from solid waste generated in the city, 3 kg per cot).
StrengtheningĀ the production chain with training and qualified labor for collecting seeds and producing seedlings of native species is critical forĀ ensuringĀ theĀ sustainable development and generation of truly green jobs and income. In this sense, the process of strengthening the productive chain of restoration is a driving force for change at the local level. This activityĀ promotes sustainability and formalizes the seed collection and seedling production, increasing supply with the required quality and diversity of native tree species.Ā Ā
Saving Nature works in biodiversity hotspots around the world to prevent extinctions and fight climate change. Guided by science, using annual surveys with drones and camera traps,Ā we show donors where the forests and species are returning.
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