Our Management Board

Saving Nature’s Management board is responsible for theĀ strategic direction, oversight, and policies of the organization. Our management board comprises individuals who are passionate about our mission and bring invaluable insights into ensuring Saving Nature executes effectively on our mission with transparency and integrity. The board serves entirely on a voluntary basis.

World leader in the study of extinctions

Dr. Stuart L. Pimm, President

Stuart L. Pimm is the Founder and President of Saving Nature and the Doris Duke Professor of Conservation Ecology at Duke University. He is a world leader in the study of present day extinctions and what can be done to prevent them. His research covers the reasons why species become extinct, how fast they do so, the global patterns of habitat loss and species extinction and, importantly, the management consequences of this research. He is committed to science-driven conservation that empowers local communities.

Stuart received his Ph.D. from New Mexico State University in 1974. He is the author of many scientific papers about the loss of species and how to prevent extinctions. His books includeĀ The Balance of Nature?Ā and, in 2001, the acclaimedĀ World According to Pimm: a Scientist Audits the Earth.

He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the recipient of the 2006 Heineken Prize for Environmental Sciences (from the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences), the winner of the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement in 2010, and the International Cosmos Prize in 2019.

Stuart Pimm
Charlie Bostwick

Conservationist, birder, sustainability advocate, eco-conscious

Charlie Bostwick

Charlie Bostwick is a dedicated conservationist and avid birder who brings his passion for environmental stewardship to the Saving Nature Board. As the founder of a sustainability-focused architecture and homebuilding company in Atlanta, Charlie integrates eco-conscious principles into his professional work, emphasizing energy efficiency, sustainable materials, and environmentally responsible design.

Charlieā€™s love for nature extends beyond his business. An enthusiastic birder, he has pursued ambitious goals like participating in a traditional “Big Year,” striving to observe over 700 bird species across theĀ American Birding Association area. His deep appreciation for biodiversity has inspired him to champion conservation efforts both locally and globally.

With his business thriving and day-to-day operations managed by a dedicated team, Charlie devotes significant time to environmental causes. He actively supports projects that protect habitats, restore ecosystems, and combat climate change. Charlieā€™s brings hisĀ decades of organizational and business experience to help our local partners around the world. HisĀ commitment to sustainability make him a valuable advocate for Saving Natureā€™s mission to restore ecosystems and protect endangered species.Ā 

Conservation innovator, scientist, strategic leader

Dr. Alex Dehgan, Director

Alex Dehgan is the CEO of Conservation X Labs, and Chief Strategic Officer of Thylacine Biosciences.Ā  He is also Professor of the Practice of Sustainability and Global Futures Fellow at Arizona State University. Alex previously served as the Chief Scientist of USAID, with rank of Assistant Administrator, and created the Agencyā€™s ā€œDARPA for Developmentā€, and designed and launched the US Governmentā€™s Grand Challenge for Development program.Ā Ā 

Dr. Dehgan also worked in multiple positions in the Office of the Secretary at the State Department, including on Iran, Afghanistan, Syria-Lebanon, and the broader Islamic world, focused on advancing science for diplomacy, planetary health, and national security.Ā  Dr. Dehgan served as the Special Adviser for Nonproliferation as part of the Coalition Provisional Authority, where he established and ran the redirection program for former nuclear, chemical, and bioweapon scientists.Ā Ā 

Alex was also the founding country director of the Wildlife Conservation Societyā€™s Afghanistan Program and helped create Afghanistanā€™s first national park.Ā  Alex is the author of the book,Ā The Snow Leopard Project, which describes the effort, which won the Gold 2020 Nautilus Book Prize.Ā 

Dr. Dehgan holds a Ph.D in Evolutionary Biology from the University of Chicago, a J.D. from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, and a B.S. with Distinction from Duke University.Ā  Alex has won multiple awards from the Departments of State and Defense, was selected by AAAS Science Policy Fellowship as one of 40@40 honorees, was named an Icon of Science by Seed Magazine, received the World Technology Award, and in 2020, was given the University of Chicagoā€™s Medical and Biological Alumni Associationā€™s highest honor.Ā 

Alex Dehgan
Cassidy Horn Photo

Multifaceted tech philanthropist with a passion for nature

Cassidy Horn, Director

Tech Entrepreneur Cassidy Horn graduated from Stanford University in 2012. Since then she has worked as a voice-over artist, a writer, and has recently transitioned to the tech industry. She has been on the board of the LA Zoo since 2011. Her passion for animals and nature has taken her all over the world ā€” including with Saving Nature Founder Stuart Pimm to Asia, Africa, and South America. She has long supported our activities and is a philanthropist committed to environmental conservation.

Spatial analysis and remote-sensing

Dr. Clinton Jenkins, Vice President

Dr. Jenkins is an Associate Professor at Florida International University in the Department of Earth and Environment & the Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center. He studies the conservation of biological diversity and efforts to reduce the loss of tropical ecosystems. He received a Ph.D. in Ecology from the University of Tennessee in 2002, and has wide-ranging experience in conservation research.Ā 

He specializes in using spatial analysis and remote-sensing technologies to answer conservation questions and identify priorities for action. This research has taken him to the Brazilian Atlantic Forests, Florida Everglades, southwestern China, Central America, and the Amazon. In each of these places, development pressures threaten to drive species to extinction. Identifying the intersections between those threats and centers of biodiversity helps direct conservation efforts toward the places to save species most efficiently. Clinton has also trained hundreds of conservation professionals in conservation GIS, operates the BiodiversityMapping.org website, and currently serves as Vice-President of the conservation non-profit Saving Nature.

Lucas Joppa, Saving Nature Director

Tech-focused sustainability leader and scientist

Dr. Lucas Joppa, Director

Dr. Lucas Joppa is Senior Managing Director and Chief Sustainability Officer at Haveli, a technology focused. private equity firm. Previously, Dr. Joppa was Microsoftā€™s first Chief Environmental Scientist, and then first Chief Environmental Officer, leading the development and execution of the companyā€™s sustainability strategy across its worldwide business including Microsoftā€™s historic carbon negative, water positive, and zero waste sustainability commitments, as well as the establishment of their AI for Earth initiative and development of their Planetary Computer platform. With a combined background in both environmental science and data science, Dr. Joppa is committed to using the power of technology to advance a growing movement to address the worldā€™s sustainability needs.

Recognized byĀ FortuneĀ magazine in its ā€œ40 Under 40ā€ list, Dr. Joppa is a uniquely accreditedĀ voice for sustainability in the tech industry. HeĀ has beenĀ recognized as one of theĀ worldā€™s most highly cited researchersĀ and servesĀ on the boards of organizations dedicated to environmental sustainability around the world.

Dr. Joppa remains an active scientist, speaking frequently on issues related to artificial intelligence, environmental science, and sustainability. Along with his Ph.D., Dr. Joppa holds a B.S. in Wildlife Ecology from the University of Wisconsin and is a former Peace Corps volunteer to Malawi.

Veterinary oncologist, conservation advocate

Dr. Gerald Post, Director

Gerald Post, co-founder of The Veterinary Cancer Center in Norwalk, Connecticut, founder of the Animal Cancer Foundation, board member of Saving Nature, and trustee of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence, is a board-certified veterinary oncologist.

He isĀ currently evaluating effectiveness in the field of endangered species conservation with aĀ particular interest in using interdisciplinary researchā€“ utilizing what we know about evidence and effectiveness in the medical field, amongst othersā€“and applying it to conservation. EvaluatingĀ the evidence of whatĀ contributes to success and failure is key in all domains of study.

He has more than 30 years of clinical experience and has participated in clinical oncology research on the national and international levels. He champions the field of comparative oncology every chance he gets. He truly believes that the knowledge gained through comparative oncology can be used to more effectively diagnose and treat many cancers, not only in animals, but humans as well.Ā 

Gerald Post, Board of Directors, Saving Nature
Brian Rodgers, Secretary, Saving Nature

Real estate investor, environmental activist

Brian Rodgers, Secretary

Brian Rodgers is a commercial real estate investor/developer based in Austin, Texas. Heā€™s devoted much of his life to political and environmental activism and has directed his energies to helping acquire critical habitat corridors in Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and Sumatra. Ā 

Other projects include spay neutering campaigns in Zimbabwe to reduce dog populations and diseases spread among wildlife and supporting local wildlife NGOs and the rangers of Zim Parks in their struggle to save the white and black rhino populations.Ā Ā 

Conservation-minded business leader

Erin Willigan, Executive Director

Erin has a Masterā€™s Degree in Conservation Biology from Columbia University. Her Masterā€™s Thesis on ā€œEcotourism in Mainland Southeast Asiaā€ explored the challenges and opportunities for balancing conservation and commerce around protected areas. Erin also holds a Masterā€™s Degree in Business Administration from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

In her role at Saving Nature, Erin provides oversight and overall management, planning, vision and leadership for all aspects of Saving Nature including programs and services, finance, resource development, human resources, donor relations, communications, and board development. She plays a leadership role in partnering with collaborating businesses, foundations, government officials, other nonprofits, and supporters.Ā 

Erin Willigan, Executive Director of Saving Nature

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