In creating the strategic and tactical maps of species distribution that drive conservation action, a number of data sets must be methodically merged and synthesized.
Saving Nature’s range mapping protocol takes a step-by-step approach to filtering the data, establishing range parameters, and verifying presence.Ā Furthermore, it cross references habitat suitability with distribution ranges. Ultimately, it assesses the protected status by overlaying viable distribution ranges with protected areas.Ā The resulting maps clearly demonstrate where conservation interventions are needed.
This range mapping protocol is part of the Saving Nature Knowledge Hub, which we created to amplify impact by sharing methods and best practices.Ā
Below is the protocol used for mapping the distribution of India’s endemic forest and grassland birds.Ā This approach is aĀ working example of how a data set is created for use in species geographic mapping.
1: The list of bird species found in India was downloaded from India BIRDS checklist (Praveen J., Jayapal, R., & Pittie, A., 2019. Checklist of the birds of India (v3.1). Website: [Date of publication: 16 December, 2019]). The list also contains attributes such as endemic status, IUCN status etc.
2: The India BIRDS checklist was then filtered for endemic (near endemics whose more than 80% of the range falls within Indian political borders also included) and threatened (non-least concerned) species. A total of 183 species followed these criteria.
3: From these 183 species, we discarded the species which were 1) vagrant bird species whose distribution range (according to IUCN range map) doesnāt fall in India and only vagrant records are known; 2) nearly extinct species for which, no recent records are known in the last 10 years, and 3) pelagic and coastal wader bird species whose distribution range is very variable and mostly uncertain. This filter left us with 152 species.
4: Out of 152 species, 24 species are wetland birds which are either winter migrants in India or if resident, restricted to water bodies (lakes and rivers). These 24 species are to be treated separately as the further trimming of their distribution range by elevation and forest habitat would be redundant. We can overlay their distribution map and observation points in the map of wetlands of India and the assess how many of these wetlands are protected.
5: The filtering in the previous point left us with 128 forest/grassland species on which the analysis can be run.
6: For the 128 species, their minimum and maximum elevation of occurrence are being documented using sources like (Quintero & Jetz 2018: for India and Himalaya and HBW to confirm the species ranges). For those species for which the elevation limit is not available in either of the sources, the Ebird occurrence can be used to obtain the min and max values and these can be confirmed by consulting experts from various regions.
7: For the final list of 128 species, presence records are obtained from sources like GBiF and Ebird. We have extracted presence points from GBiF using R code. This data will be cross-referenced with the Ebird data to check if any points are missed. These presence records should be used to update the IUCN distribution map of the species with new point locations.
8: The presence points would be extracted in two temporal sets: 1) historical from 1900 to 2000; 2) recent from 2000 to present (2019). The IUCN map will then be updated using both the sets. This is to understand how much the historical or recent data contributes to range updates and how much discrepancy the historical data might have in todayās scenario. E.g. for a species the historical data points might be from the locations where there has been major landscape happen since then and the habitat is no more suitable or even if the suitable habitat is present the species is known not to be found (e.g species like Nilgiri Pipit, Great Indian Bustard, Bengal Florican, Spotted Creeper). The individual species need to be qualitatively assessed.Ā
9: On the updated species distribution map, the DEM map of 30m resolution will be overlayed and the species updated range polygon should be trimmed for its min and max elevation limits.
10: The elevation updated species range map should then be trimmed with the presence of suitable habitat of that species. ( it will be forest vs non-forest for most of the species, but for grassland specialists, it would be grassland-fallow land vs non-grassland). The challenge is to obtain grassland map for the country which is currently not available.
11: At last, the Protected Area map will be overlayed onto the updated species range maps and richness maps to assess how much of the threatened species-rich areas are protected under the Wildlife Protection Act of India.
12: We can also check the availability of the genetic data on each of the species of concern and find out the evolutionary distinctness of each species.
The working list of birds species:
Scientific_Name | English_Name.x | Order | Family | Authority | Alternative_Name.s. | IUCN_Category |
Accipiter_butleri | Nicobar_Sparrowhawk | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (J.H._Gurney,_Jr.,_1898) | NA | Vulnerable |
Aceros_nipalensis | Rufous-necked_Hornbill | Bucerotiformes | Bucerotidae | (Hodgson,_1829) | NA | Vulnerable |
Aegypius_monachus | Cinereous_Vulture | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (Linnaeus,_1766) | Black_Vulture | Near_Threatened |
Alcedo_hercules | Blyth's_Kingfisher | Coraciiformes | Alcedinidae | Laubmann,_1917 | NA | Near_Threatened |
Amandava_formosa | Green_Munia | Passeriformes | Estrildidae | (Latham,_1790) | Green_Avadavat | Vulnerable |
Anas_albogularis | Andaman_Teal | Anseriformes | Anatidae | (Hume,_1873) | [Grey_Teal,_Sunda_Teal] | Vulnerable |
Anhinga_melanogaster | Oriental_Darter | Suliformes | Anhingidae | Pennant,_1769 | Snake-bird | Near_Threatened |
Anorrhinus_austeni | Austen's_Brown_Hornbill | Bucerotiformes | Bucerotidae | Jerdon,_1872 | Godwin_Austen's_Brown_Hornbill,_White-throated_Brown_Hornbill | Near_Threatened |
Anser_erythropus | Lesser_White-fronted_Goose | Anseriformes | (Linnaeus,_1758) | NA | Vulnerable | |
Anthracoceros_coronatus | Malabar_Pied_Hornbill | Bucerotiformes | Bucerotidae | (Boddaert,_1783) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Anthus_nilghiriensis | Nilgiri_Pipit | Passeriformes | Motacillidae | Sharpe,_1885 | NA | Vulnerable |
Antigone_antigone | Sarus_Crane | Gruiformes | Gruidae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | NA | Vulnerable |
Apus_acuticauda | Dark-rumped_Swift | Caprimulgiformes | Apodidae | (Jerdon,_1864) | Khasi_Hills_Swift | Vulnerable |
Aquila_heliaca | Eastern_Imperial_Eagle | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | Savigny,_1809 | NA | Vulnerable |
Aquila_nipalensis | Steppe_Eagle | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | Hodgson,_1833 | NA | Endangered |
Aquila_rapax | Tawny_Eagle | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (Temminck,_1828) | NA | Vulnerable |
Arborophila_atrogularis | White-cheeked_Hill_Partridge | Galliformes | Phasianidae | (Blyth,_1849) | White-cheeked_Partridge | Near_Threatened |
Arborophila_mandellii | Chestnut-breasted_Hill_Partridge | Galliformes | Phasianidae | Hume,_1874 | Chestnut-breasted_Partridge | Vulnerable |
Ardea_insignis | White-bellied_Heron | Pelecaniformes | Ardeidae | Hume,_1878 | NA | Critically_Endangered |
Ardenna_carneipes | Flesh-footed_Shearwater | Procellariiformes | Procellariidae | (Gould,_1844) | Pink-footed_Shearwater_(incl._A._creatopus) | Near_Threatened |
Ardeotis_nigriceps | Great_Indian_Bustard | Otidiformes | Otididae | (Vigors,_1831) | Indian_Bustard | Critically_Endangered |
Asarcornis_scutulata | White-winged_Wood_Duck | Anseriformes | Anatidae | (S._MĆ¼ller,_1842) | White-winged_Duck | Endangered |
Aythya_baeri | Baer's_Pochard | Anseriformes | Anatidae | (Radde,_1863) | NA | Critically_Endangered |
Aythya_ferina | Common_Pochard | Anseriformes | Anatidae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | NA | Vulnerable |
Aythya_nyroca | Ferruginous_Duck | Anseriformes | Anatidae | (GĆ¼ldenstƤdt,_1770) | White-eyed_Pochard | Near_Threatened |
Brachypodius_priocephalus | Grey-headed_Bulbul | Passeriformes | Pycnonotidae | (Jerdon,_1839) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Brachypteryx_hyperythra | Rusty-bellied_Shortwing | Passeriformes | Muscicapidae | Blyth,_1861 | NA | Near_Threatened |
Branta_ruficollis | Red-breasted_Goose | Anseriformes | Anatidae | (Pallas,_1769) | NA | Vulnerable |
Buceros_bicornis | Great_Hornbill | Bucerotiformes | Bucerotidae | Linnaeus,_1758 | Great_Pied_Hornbill,_Great_Indian_Hornbill | Vulnerable |
Bulweria_fallax | Jouanin's_Petrel | Procellariiformes | Procellariidae | Jouanin,_1955 | Jouanin's_Gadfly_Petrel | Near_Threatened |
Calidris_canutus | Red_Knot | Charadriiformes | Scolopacidae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | Knot | Near_Threatened |
Calidris_ferruginea | Curlew_Sandpiper | Charadriiformes | Scolopacidae | (Pontoppidan,_1763) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Calidris_pygmaea | Spoon-billed_Sandpiper | Charadriiformes | Scolopacidae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | NA | Critically_Endangered |
Calidris_ruficollis | Red-necked_Stint | Charadriiformes | Scolopacidae | (Pallas,_1776) | Rufous-necked_Stint,_Eastern_Little_Stint | Near_Threatened |
Calidris_subruficollis | Buff-breasted_Sandpiper | Charadriiformes | Scolopacidae | (Vieillot,_1819) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Calidris_tenuirostris | Great_Knot | Charadriiformes | Scolopacidae | (Horsfield,_1821) | Eastern_Knot | Endangered |
Calliope_pectardens | Firethroat | Passeriformes | Muscicapidae | David,_1877 | NA | Near_Threatened |
Caloenas_nicobarica | Nicobar_Pigeon | Columbiformes | Columbidae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Calonectris_leucomelas | Streaked_Shearwater | Procellariiformes | Procellariidae | (Temminck,_1836) | White-fronted_Shearwater | Near_Threatened |
Catreus_wallichii | Cheer_Pheasant | Galliformes | Phasianidae | (Hardwicke,_1827) | NA | Vulnerable |
Chaetornis_striata | Bristled_Grassbird | Passeriformes | Locustellidae | (Jerdon,_1841) | Bristled_Grass_Warbler | Vulnerable |
Chatarrhaea_longirostris | Slender-billed_Babbler | Passeriformes | Leiothrichidae | (F._Moore,_1854) | NA | Vulnerable |
Chlamydotis_macqueenii | Macqueen's_Bustard | Otidiformes | Otididae | (J.E._Gray,_1832) | Asian_Houbara,_Houbara_Bustard_(with_C._undulata) | Vulnerable |
Chrysomma_altirostre | Jerdon's_Babbler | Passeriformes | Sylviidae | Jerdon,_1862 | NA | Vulnerable |
Ciconia_episcopus | Woolly-necked_Stork | Ciconiiformes | Ciconiidae | (Boddaert,_1783) | Asian_Woollyneck_C._e._episcopus,_White-necked_Stork | Vulnerable |
Circus_macrourus | Pallid_Harrier | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (S.G._Gmelin,_1770) | Pale_Harrier | Near_Threatened |
Clanga_clanga | Greater_Spotted_Eagle | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (Pallas,_1811) | NA | Vulnerable |
Clanga_hastata | Indian_Spotted_Eagle | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (Lesson,_1831) | Lesser_Spotted_Eagle_(with_C._pomarina) | Vulnerable |
Clangula_hyemalis | Long-tailed_Duck | Anseriformes | Anatidae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | NA | Vulnerable |
Columba_elphinstonii | Nilgiri_Wood_Pigeon | Columbiformes | Columbidae | (Sykes,_1832) | Nilgiri_Pigeon | Vulnerable |
Columba_eversmanni | Yellow-eyed_Pigeon | Columbiformes | Columbidae | Bonaparte,_1856 | Pale-backed_Pigeon,_Eastern_Stock_Pigeon | Vulnerable |
Columba_palumboides | Andaman_Wood_Pigeon | Columbiformes | Columbidae | (Hume,_1873) | Andaman_Pigeon | Near_Threatened |
Columba_punicea | Pale-capped_Pigeon | Columbiformes | Columbidae | Blyth,_1842 | Purple_Wood_Pigeon | Vulnerable |
Coracina_dobsoni | Andaman_Cuckooshrike | Passeriformes | Campephagidae | (Ball,_1872) | Barred_Cuckooshrike/Bar-bellied_Cuckooshrike_(with_C._striata) | Near_Threatened |
Coturnix_japonica | Japanese_Quail | Galliformes | Phasianidae | Temminck_&_Schlegel,_1849 | NA | Near_Threatened |
Cyanoptila_cumatilis | Zappey's_Flycatcher | Passeriformes | Muscicapidae | Thayer_&_Bangs,_1909 | NA | Near_Threatened |
Cyornis_nicobaricus | Nicobar_Jungle_Flycatcher | Passeriformes | Muscicapidae | (Richmond,_1902) | Olive_Flycatcher | Near_Threatened |
Dendrocitta_bayleii | Andaman_Treepie | Passeriformes | Corvidae | Tytler,_1863 | NA | Vulnerable |
Dryocopus_hodgei | Andaman_Woodpecker | Piciformes | Picidae | (Blyth,_1860) | Andaman_Black_Woodpecker | Vulnerable |
Egretta_eulophotes | Chinese_Egret | Pelecaniformes | Ardeidae | (Swinhoe,_1860) | NA | Vulnerable |
Emberiza_aureola | Yellow-breasted_Bunting | Passeriformes | Emberizidae | Pallas,_1773 | NA | Critically_Endangered |
Ephippiorhynchus_asiaticus | Black-necked_Stork | Ciconiiformes | Ciconiidae | (Latham,_1790) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Esacus_magnirostris | Beach_Thick-knee | Charadriiformes | Burhinidae | (Vieillot,_1818) | Beach_Stone-curlew,_Australian_Stone_Plover | Near_Threatened |
Esacus_recurvirostris | Great_Thick-knee | Charadriiformes | Burhinidae | (Cuvier,_1829) | Great_Stone-curlew,_Great_Stone_Plover | Near_Threatened |
Falco_cherrug | Saker_Falcon | Falconiformes | Falconidae | J.E._Gray,_1834 | NA | Endangered |
Falco_chicquera | Red-necked_Falcon | Falconiformes | Falconidae | Daudin,_1800 | Red-headed_Falcon,_Red-headed_Merlin | Near_Threatened |
Falco_jugger | Laggar_Falcon | Falconiformes | Falconidae | J.E._Gray,_1834 | NA | Near_Threatened |
Falco_vespertinus | Red-footed_Falcon | Falconiformes | Falconidae | Linnaeus,_1766 | Red-legged_Falcon | Near_Threatened |
Ficedula_subrubra | Kashmir_Flycatcher | Passeriformes | Muscicapidae | (E._Hartert_&_F._Steinbacher,_1934) | Kashmir_Red-breasted_Flycatcher | Vulnerable |
Francolinus_gularis | Swamp_Francolin | Galliformes | Phasianidae | (Temminck,_1815) | Swamp_Partridge | Vulnerable |
Fregata_andrewsi | Christmas_Island_Frigatebird | Suliformes | Fregatidae | Mathews,_1914 | Christmas_Frigatebird | Critically_Endangered |
Gallinago_media | Great_Snipe | Charadriiformes | Scolopacidae | (Latham,_1787) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Gallinago_nemoricola | Wood_Snipe | Charadriiformes | Scolopacidae | Hodgson,_1836 | NA | Vulnerable |
Garrulax_nuchalis | Chestnut-backed_Laughingthrush | Passeriformes | Leiothrichidae | Godwin-Austen,_1876 | NA | Near_Threatened |
Gorsachius_magnificus | White-eared_Night_Heron | Pelecaniformes | Ardeidae | (Ogilvie-Grant,_1899) | NA | Endangered |
Graminicola_bengalensis | Indian_Grass_Babbler | Passeriformes | Pellorneidae | Jerdon,_1863 | Indian_Grassbird;_Rufous-rumped_Grassbird/Rufous-rumped_Grass_Babbler/Large_Grass_Warbler_(incl._G._striatus_EL) | Near_Threatened |
Grus_nigricollis | Black-necked_Crane | Gruiformes | Gruidae | Przevalski,_1876 | NA | Vulnerable |
Gypaetus_barbatus | Bearded_Vulture | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | Lammergeier | Near_Threatened |
Gyps_bengalensis | White-rumped_Vulture | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (J.F._Gmelin,_1788) | White-backed_Vulture | Critically_Endangered |
Gyps_himalayensis | Himalayan_Vulture | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | Hume,_1869 | Himalayan_Griffon | Near_Threatened |
Gyps_indicus | Indian_Vulture | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (Scopoli,_1786) | Long-billed_Vulture_(incl._G._tenuirostris) | Critically_Endangered |
Gyps_tenuirostris | Slender-billed_Vulture | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | G.R._Gray,_1844 | NA | Critically_Endangered |
Haematopus_ostralegus | Eurasian_Oystercatcher | Charadriiformes | Haematopodidae | Linnaeus,_1758 | NA | Near_Threatened |
Haliaeetus_leucoryphus | Pallas's_Fish_Eagle | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (Pallas,_1771) | Ring-tailed_Fishing_Eagle | Endangered |
Harpactes_wardi | Ward's_Trogon | Trogoniformes | Trogonidae | (Kinnear,_1927) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Heliopais_personatus | Masked_Finfoot | Gruiformes | Heliornithidae | (G.R._Gray,_1849) | NA | Endangered |
Heteroglaux_blewitti | Forest_Owlet | Strigiformes | Strigidae | Hume,_1873 | Forest_Spotted_Owlet,_Blewitt's_Owl | Endangered |
Houbaropsis_bengalensis | Bengal_Florican | Otidiformes | Otididae | (J.F._Gmelin,_1789) | NA | Critically_Endangered |
Hydrobates_monorhis | Swinhoe's_Storm-petrel | Procellariiformes | Hydrobatidae | (Swinhoe,_1867) | Fork-tailed_Storm-petrel | Near_Threatened |
Icthyophaga_humilis | Lesser_Fish_Eagle | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (S._MĆ¼ller_&_Schlegel,_1841) | Himalayan_Grey-headed_Fishing_Eagle | Near_Threatened |
Icthyophaga_ichthyaetus | Grey-headed_Fish_Eagle | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (Horsfield,_1821) | Grey-headed_Fishing_Eagle | Near_Threatened |
Indicator_xanthonotus | Yellow-rumped_Honeyguide | Piciformes | Indicatoridae | Blyth,_1842 | Orange-rumped_Honeyguide | Near_Threatened |
Ixos_nicobariensis | Nicobar_Bulbul | Passeriformes | Pycnonotidae | (F._Moore,_1854) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Laticilla_burnesii | Rufous-vented_Grass_Babbler | Passeriformes | Pellorneidae | (Blyth,_1844) | Rufous-vented_Prinia;_Long-tailed_Grass_Babbler/Long-tailed_Grass_Warbler_(incl._L._cinerascens) | Near_Threatened |
Laticilla_cinerascens | Swamp_Grass_Babbler | Passeriformes | Pellorneidae | (Walden,_1874) | Swamp_Prinia | Endangered |
Leptoptilos_dubius | Greater_Adjutant | Ciconiiformes | Ciconiidae | (J.F._Gmelin,_1789) | Adjutant_Stork | Endangered |
Leptoptilos_javanicus | Lesser_Adjutant | Ciconiiformes | Ciconiidae | (Horsfield,_1821) | NA | Vulnerable |
Leucogeranus_leucogeranus | Siberian_Crane | Gruiformes | Gruidae | (Pallas,_1773) | NA | Critically_Endangered |
Limnodromus_semipalmatus | Asian_Dowitcher | Charadriiformes | Scolopacidae | (Blyth,_1848) | Snipe-billed_Godwit | Near_Threatened |
Limosa_lapponica | Bar-tailed_Godwit | Charadriiformes | Scolopacidae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Limosa_limosa | Black-tailed_Godwit | Charadriiformes | Scolopacidae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Liocichla_bugunorum | Bugun_Liocichla | Passeriformes | Leiothrichidae | Athreya,_2006 | NA | Critically_Endangered |
Locustella_major | Long-billed_Bush_Warbler | Passeriformes | Locustellidae | (W.E._Brooks,_1871) | Large-billed_Bush_Warbler | Near_Threatened |
Lophophorus_sclateri | Sclater's_Monal | Galliformes | Phasianidae | Jerdon,_1870 | NA | Vulnerable |
Lophotriorchis_kienerii | Rufous-bellied_Eagle | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (de_Sparre,_1835) | Rufous-bellied_Hawk_Eagle | Near_Threatened |
Machlolophus_nuchalis | White-naped_Tit | Passeriformes | Paridae | (Jerdon,_1845) | White-winged_Black_Tit | Vulnerable |
Mareca_falcata | Falcated_Duck | Anseriformes | Anatidae | (Georgi,_1775) | Falcated_Teal | Near_Threatened |
Marmaronetta_angustirostris | Marbled_Teal | Anseriformes | Anatidae | (MƩnƩtriƩs,_1832) | Marbled_Duck | Vulnerable |
Megapodius_nicobariensis | Nicobar_Megapode | Galliformes | Megapodiidae | Blyth,_1846 | Nicobar_Scrubfowl | Vulnerable |
Milvus_milvus | Red_Kite | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Montecincla_cachinnans | Nilgiri_Laughingthrush | Passeriformes | Leiothrichidae | (Jerdon,_1839) | Black-chinned_Laughingthrush_(incl._M._jerdoni);_Rufous-breasted_Laughingthrush,_Nilgiri_Chilappan | Endangered |
Montecincla_fairbanki | Palani_Laughingthrush | Passeriformes | Leiothrichidae | (Blanford,_1869) | Kerala_Laughingthrush_(incl._M._meridionale);_Palani_Chilappan | Near_Threatened |
Montecincla_jerdoni | Banasura_Laughingthrush | Passeriformes | Leiothrichidae | (Blyth,_1851) | Grey-breasted_Laughungthrush_(incl._M._fairbanki_&_M._meridionale);_Coorg_White-breasted_Laughingthrush,_Banasura_Chilappan | Endangered |
Montecincla_meridionalis | Ashambu_Laughingthrush | Passeriformes | Leiothrichidae | (Blanford,_1880) | Travancore_Laughingthrush,_White-breasted_Laughingthrush,_Ashambu_Chilappan | Vulnerable |
Mulleripicus_pulverulentus | Great_Slaty_Woodpecker | Piciformes | Picidae | (Temminck,_1826) | NA | Vulnerable |
Mycteria_leucocephala | Painted_Stork | Ciconiiformes | Ciconiidae | (Pennant,_1769) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Neophron_percnopterus | Egyptian_Vulture | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | Scavenger_Vulture,_White_Scavenger_Vulture | Endangered |
Numenius_arquata | Eurasian_Curlew | Charadriiformes | Scolopacidae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Ophrysia_superciliosa | Himalayan_Quail | Galliformes | Phasianidae | (J.E._Gray,_1846) | Mountain_Quail | Critically_Endangered |
Otus_alius | Nicobar_Scops_Owl | Strigiformes | Strigidae | Rasmussen,_1998 | NA | Near_Threatened |
Oxyura_leucocephala | White-headed_Duck | Anseriformes | Anatidae | (Scopoli,_1769) | White-headed_Stiff-tailed_Duck | Endangered |
Paradoxornis_flavirostris | Black-breasted_Parrotbill | Passeriformes | Sylviidae | Gould,_1836 | Black-throated_Parrotbill,_Gould's_Parrotbill | Vulnerable |
Pavo_muticus | Green_Peafowl | Galliformes | Phasianidae | Linnaeus,_1766 | Burmese_Peafowl | Endangered |
Pelargopsis_amauroptera | Brown-winged_Kingfisher | Coraciiformes | Alcedinidae | (J.T._Pearson,_1841) | Brown-winged_Stork-billed_Kingfisher | Near_Threatened |
Pelecanus_crispus | Dalmatian_Pelican | Pelecaniformes | Pelecanidae | Bruch,_1832 | NA | Near_Threatened |
Pelecanus_philippensis | Spot-billed_Pelican | Pelecaniformes | Pelecanidae | J.F._Gmelin,_1789 | Grey_Pelican | Near_Threatened |
Pellorneum_palustre | Marsh_Babbler | Passeriformes | Pellorneidae | Gould,_1872 | Marsh_Spotted_Babbler | Vulnerable |
Perdicula_manipurensis | Manipur_Bush_Quail | Galliformes | Phasianidae | Hume,_1881 | NA | Endangered |
Phoeniconaias_minor | Lesser_Flamingo | Phoenicopteriformes | Phoenicopteridae | (E._Geoffroy_Saint-Hilaire,_1798) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Phylloscopus_tytleri | Tytler's_Leaf_Warbler | Passeriformes | Phylloscopidae | W.E._Brooks,_1871 | NA | Near_Threatened |
Pitta_megarhyncha | Mangrove_Pitta | Passeriformes | Pittidae | Schlegel,_1863 | NA | Near_Threatened |
Ploceus_megarhynchus | Finn's_Weaver | Passeriformes | Ploceidae | Hume,_1869 | Yellow_Weaver,_Finn's_Baya | Vulnerable |
Podiceps_auritus | Horned_Grebe | Podicipediformes | Podicipedidae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | Slavonian_Grebe | Vulnerable |
Prinia_cinereocapilla | Grey-crowned_Prinia | Passeriformes | Cisticolidae | F._Moore,_1854 | Hodgson's_Wren_Warbler | Vulnerable |
Psittacula_alexandri | Red-breasted_Parakeet | Psittaciformes | Psittaculidae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Psittacula_caniceps | Nicobar_Parakeet | Psittaciformes | Psittaculidae | (Blyth,_1846) | Blyth's_Nicobar_Parakeet | Near_Threatened |
Psittacula_derbiana | Lord_Derby's_Parakeet | Psittaciformes | Psittaculidae | (Fraser,_1852) | Derbyan_Parakeet | Near_Threatened |
Psittacula_eupatria | Alexandrine_Parakeet | Psittaciformes | Psittaculidae | (Linnaeus,_1766) | Large_Indian_Parakeet | Near_Threatened |
Psittacula_finschii | Grey-headed_Parakeet | Psittaciformes | Psittaculidae | (Hume,_1874) | Finsch's_Parakeet,_Eastern_Slaty-headed_Parakeet | Near_Threatened |
Psittacula_longicauda | Long-tailed_Parakeet | Psittaciformes | Psittaculidae | (Boddaert,_1783) | Red-cheeked_Parakeet | Vulnerable |
Psittacula_roseata | Blossom-headed_Parakeet | Psittaciformes | Psittaculidae | Biswas,_1951 | Eastern_Blossom-headed_Parakeet,_Rosy-headed_Parakeet | Near_Threatened |
Pterodroma_baraui | Barau's_Petrel | Procellariiformes | Procellariidae | (Jouanin,_1964) | NA | Endangered |
Pycnonotus_xantholaemus | Yellow-throated_Bulbul | Passeriformes | Pycnonotidae | (Jerdon,_1845) | NA | Vulnerable |
Rhinoptilus_bitorquatus | Jerdon's_Courser | Charadriiformes | Glareolidae | (Blyth,_1848) | Double-banded_Courser | Critically_Endangered |
Rhodonessa_caryophyllacea | Pink-headed_Duck | Anseriformes | Anatidae | (Latham,_1790) | NA | Critically_Endangered |
Rhyticeros_narcondami | Narcondam_Hornbill | Bucerotiformes | Bucerotidae | Hume,_1873 | NA | Endangered |
Rhyticeros_undulatus | Wreathed_Hornbill | Bucerotiformes | Bucerotidae | (Shaw,_1811) | NA | Vulnerable |
Rissa_tridactyla | Black-legged_Kittiwake | Charadriiformes | Laridae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | NA | Vulnerable |
Rynchops_albicollis | Indian_Skimmer | Charadriiformes | Laridae | Swainson,_1838 | NA | Vulnerable |
Sarcogyps_calvus | Red-headed_Vulture | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (Scopoli,_1786) | King_Vulture,_Black_Vulture,_Pondicherry_Vulture | Critically_Endangered |
Saxicola_insignis | Hodgson's_Bushchat | Passeriformes | Muscicapidae | J.E._&_G.R._Gray,_1847 | White-throated_Bushchat | Vulnerable |
Saxicola_macrorhynchus | Stoliczka's_Bushchat | Passeriformes | Muscicapidae | (Stoliczka,_1872) | White-browed_Bushchat | Vulnerable |
Schoenicola_platyurus | Broad-tailed_Grassbird | Passeriformes | Locustellidae | (Jerdon,_1841) | Broad-tailed_Grass_Warbler | Vulnerable |
Sholicola_albiventris | White-bellied_Sholakili | Passeriformes | Muscicapidae | (Blanford,_1868) | White-bellied_Blue_Robin,_White-bellied_Shortwing;_[Ashambu_Sholakili] | Vulnerable |
Sholicola_major | Nilgiri_Sholakili | Passeriformes | Muscicapidae | (Jerdon,_1841) | Nilgiri_Shortwing,_Rufous-bellied_Shortwing,__Nilgiri_Blue_Robin | Endangered |
Sitta_formosa | Beautiful_Nuthatch | Passeriformes | Sittidae | Blyth,_1843 | NA | Vulnerable |
Sitta_yunnanensis | Yunnan_Nuthatch | Passeriformes | Sittidae | Ogilvie-Grant,_1900 | NA | Near_Threatened |
Spelaeornis_badeigularis | Mishmi_Wren_Babbler | Passeriformes | Timaliidae | Ripley,_1948 | Rusty-throated_Wren_Babbler | Vulnerable |
Spelaeornis_caudatus | Rufous-throated_Wren_Babbler | Passeriformes | Timaliidae | (Blyth,_1845) | Tailed_Wren_Babbler | Near_Threatened |
Spelaeornis_chocolatinus | Naga_Wren_Babbler | Passeriformes | Timaliidae | (Godwin-Austen_&_Walden,_1875) | Streaked_Long-tailed_Wren_Babbler | Near_Threatened |
Spelaeornis_longicaudatus | Tawny-breasted_Wren_Babbler | Passeriformes | Timaliidae | (F._Moore,_1854) | Long-tailed_Wren_Babbler | Vulnerable |
Spilornis_elgini | Andaman_Serpent_Eagle | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | (Blyth,_1863) | Andaman_Dark_Serpent_Eagle | Vulnerable |
Spilornis_klossi | Nicobar_Serpent_Eagle | Accipitriformes | Accipitridae | Richmond,_1902 | Great_Nicobar_Serpent_Eagle | Near_Threatened |
Stachyris_humei | Sikkim_Wedge-billed_Babbler | Passeriformes | Timaliidae | (Mandelli,_1873) | Blackish-breasted_Babbler | Near_Threatened |
Stachyris_oglei | Snowy-throated_Babbler | Passeriformes | Timaliidae | (Godwin-Austen,_1877) | Austen's_Spotted_Babbler | Vulnerable |
Stachyris_roberti | Cachar_Wedge-billed_Babbler | Passeriformes | Timaliidae | (Godwin-Austen_&_Walden,_1875) | Chevron-breasted_Babbler | Near_Threatened |
Sterna_acuticauda | Black-bellied_Tern | Charadriiformes | Laridae | J.E._Gray,_1831 | NA | Endangered |
Sterna_aurantia | River_Tern | Charadriiformes | Laridae | J.E._Gray,_1831 | NA | Near_Threatened |
Streptopelia_turtur | European_Turtle_Dove | Columbiformes | Columbidae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | Turtle_Dove | Vulnerable |
Sypheotides_indicus | Lesser_Florican | Otidiformes | Otididae | (J.F._Miller,_1782) | Leekh,_Likh | Endangered |
Syrmaticus_humiae | Mrs_Hume's_Pheasant | Galliformes | Phasianidae | (Hume,_1881) | Mrs_Hume's_Barred-back_Pheasant | Near_Threatened |
Tetrax_tetrax | Little_Bustard | Otidiformes | Otididae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Threskiornis_melanocephalus | Black-headed_Ibis | Pelecaniformes | Threskiornithidae | (Latham,_1790) | White_Ibis,_Oriental_White_Ibis | Near_Threatened |
Tragopan_blythii | Blyth's_Tragopan | Galliformes | Phasianidae | (Jerdon,_1870) | Grey-bellied_Tragopan | Vulnerable |
Tragopan_melanocephalus | Western_Tragopan | Galliformes | Phasianidae | (J.E._Gray,_1829) | Western_Horned_Pheasant | Vulnerable |
Tragopan_satyra | Satyr_Tragopan | Galliformes | Phasianidae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | Crimson_Horned_Pheasant | Near_Threatened |
Treron_chloropterus | Andaman_Green_Pigeon | Columbiformes | Columbidae | Blyth,_1846 | [Pompadour_Green_Pigeon] | Near_Threatened |
Treron_phayrei | Ashy-headed_Green_Pigeon | Columbiformes | Columbidae | (Blyth,_1862) | [Pompadour_Green_Pigeon] | Near_Threatened |
Tringa_brevipes | Grey-tailed_Tattler | Charadriiformes | Scolopacidae | (Vieillot,_1816) | NA | Near_Threatened |
Turdus_feae | Grey-sided_Thrush | Passeriformes | Turdidae | (Salvadori,_1887) | Fea's_Thrush | Vulnerable |
Vanellus_duvaucelii | River_Lapwing | Charadriiformes | Charadriidae | (Lesson,_1826) | Spur-winged_Lapwing/Spur-winged_Plover_(with_V._spinosus) | Near_Threatened |
Vanellus_gregarius | Sociable_Lapwing | Charadriiformes | Charadriidae | (Pallas,_1771) | Sociable_Plover | Critically_Endangered |
Vanellus_vanellus | Northern_Lapwing | Charadriiformes | Charadriidae | (Linnaeus,_1758) | Peewit | Near_Threatened |
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